Genre Translations

 Posted by on Thu, 3/21 at 11:17pm  Uncategorized  Add comments
Mar 212019

“Fox on Socks” by Dr. Seuss —> Why Foxes don’t wear socks 

Fox on Socks is an annoyingly nonsensical children’s story full of tongue twisters. I want to change this books text to something intelligible, a common sense story which explains the ridiculousness of this book. It will point out the absurdity of the story and the incorrect vocabulary.  

“The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss —> The epic story of a Consumerisms victory over mother nature 

I want to take the tale of the Lorax, trying in vain to save mother nature from the industrial age and turn it into a tale of victory and triumph for mass production and materialism. I find this interesting because no matter how many generations have grown up hearing the cautionary tale of The Lorax and how things will not change unless we care a whole lot, we still continue to destroy our planet. The importance of this work is to show this topic in another way to call attention to the need for change in our behavior and lifestyles.