Genre Translation Prewrite

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Mar 192019

Genre Translation Proposal

Flower Child

I have noticed that in recent years parents are getting extremely creative with baby names and while some of them are cute and beautiful some of the names are a bit odd. I once read that a couple parents named their child “facebook” after the social media account. While I am not judging their parenting techniques it got me thinking about all the unique baby names and how you can name children after elements of nature. My project would cover a list of unique nature inspired baby names that can be rendered gender neutral in today’s society and provide insight as to whether nature gender neutral names can hold on to heritage and still be trendy.


Holiday Mashup

It is no secret that the holiday season is everyone’s favorite time of year. The season is filled with traditions and memories and fun activities. I myself love Thanksgiving. I love the food firstly, but I also love the warm feeling you get. That over excited and happy feeling. I want to compare the elements of the holiday (specifically) Christmas, because it is so international and do a cultural critique of how other celebrate the holiday. Whether food, religious traditions, secular traditions, movies and or tv shows watched, etc.  It is my hope that through my analysis I can come up with values that are shared by many cultures at the holiday time of year.


Girl in a Country Song

Country boys are supposed to be gentlemen and respect women. They are not like other guys. However, this is confusing when most country songs portray girls as sex objects and are related to trucks, and other boy toys. If Country men are suppose to be more chivalrous than why do songs about women seem so demeaning. I want to do a project that takes popular country song lyrics and explore a feminist critique of them.