Feb 222019


Question: What is the purpose of production companies manufacturing films that educate youth on the several societal expectations they might face as they fall into adulthood? Why is necessary for these youth being able to monitor themselves so closely and confirm their abilities to conduct themselves within the strict guidelines or standards provided for them?

Subject Points of Significance
Personality Training Ensuring the one develops a social identity that attracts positive attention and guarantees that they obtain a credible reputation that promotes healthy relationships. Coaching in the ability to control one’s temperament and work effectively with others.
Appearance Monitoring Ensuring that one consistently maintains a level of cleanliness and hygiene.  As well as, the importance of dressing in tidy and fashionable ways that were deemed acceptable.
Managing Relationships How to gain consistent platonic friendships with peers while maintaining a certain level of popularity. It is also stressed the importance of engaging in romantic relationships within certain guidelines and boundaries that upheld specific religious and societal views on gender roles and purity.

Major Sub: Personal Discipline

Major POS: The purpose of these films seems to be to have the youth develop the personal disciplines needed to construct what was believed to be a successful and happy life. This predominantly seemed to show that people believed that one had to adhere to these higher standards as the only way to reach a higher standard of living. They also emphasized the importance of personal responsibility and the benefits of having a knowledge of  social etiquette. This particular mindset was thought to open a persons world up to way of life that included more financially beneficial opportunities through having a credible reputation would be well regarded among their peers in the workplace. This way of thinking was also believed to better one’s life socially by explaining the importance of “fitting in” and attracting the “appropriate behavior” to obtain the appropriate response, even in romantic settings.  The manufacturers of these materials, as well as, society itself deeply held this personal belief that a happy life was made entirely of a series of mundane choices and decisions with a very specific list of responses mapped out by the ideals followed in these rigid times.