Pinpointing Trolling

 Posted by on Fri, 2/22 at 11:28am  subject-pos take 2  Add comments
Feb 222019

Subject: Trolling is prevalent on Twitter, but it is often mislabeled.

  • Point of significance: Not all tweets that anger someone are considered trolling, sometimes it’s just a divisive tweet that showcases different views.

Subject: Arguments on twitter are not considered trolling.

  • Point of significance: Arguments on twitter are born out of disagreement and involve both people trying to prove their point. It is almost impossible to argue with a troll on twitter because of their irrational nature, it would be basically yelling at a brick wall.

Subject: Troll tweets tend to derail the conversation being had in some way, shape, or form.

  • Point of significance: They create a shock factor that is intended to offend and destroy the topic of the tweet being discussed.

Overarching point: There is a difference between controversial arguing tweets, that one finds offensive, and trolling.

Prompt: What is considered trolling on Twitter, and what is simply a differing opinion that someone takes offense to?