Feb 222019
  • Subject: The ability to quickly have insight on a certain group of people just by their astrological (zodiac) sign.
  • Point of Significance: Broad but typical traits/ characteristics associated with a zodiac sign of a person in a certain astrological group.
  • Subject: Astrology offers those in crisis the comfort of imagining a better future. In some way being able to predict your near possible future just by reading a daily horoscope.
  • Point of Significance: Some people who are stressed or have no sense of self direction mindlessly follow these daily horoscopes telling them how to go about their day all from quality traits.
  • Subject: Astrological (Zodiac) signs are becoming a millenial meme phenomena.
  • Point of Significance: People want that feeling of belonging and ascribing to a certain group as their own and what they’re familiar to such as friends with the same sign, similar traits, etc.
  • Subject: Brings a feeling of wonder or stargazing.
  • Point of Significance: Introduces the mysterious power an individual posses within them and what they are able to do.

Prompt: Astrological Horoscopes’ broad naratives undermine an individuals true unique characteristics instead of broad and average traits.