Translating Trolling

 Posted by on Tue, 3/19 at 2:06pm  genre translation prewriting  Add comments
Mar 192019

Mislabeled Political Twitter Trolls to Political Protesters

In my work on trying to uncover what trolling is, who labels it, and who is mislabeled as a troll. I have come across several parallels to the real world and I believe that the attributed I described a typical mislabeled troll with is shared with protesters. Both parties involved attempt desperate ways to grab attention for various political purposes. These shared attributes between genres provide much leeway to translate smoothly between the two.

Political Twitter Fights to Child-Like Arguments

With more and more Twitter fights breaking out these days one would imagine argument styles would have evolved into a more intellectual debate, but no. The opposite has pretty much occurred with argument styles becoming even more child-like than it has been in the past. Worst yet this argument style will be praised by people that support the same thing as the person who said it. Sometimes in a reply section on Twitter it can just look like a bunch of children bickering and pointing fingers, making one think “Is this how far we have come?”