Mar 182019

Similar movie posters are plagiarism or tribute

Thousands of movies are released every year around the world, and the design style of each movie poster is closely related to the type of film. Even in a creative design world, it is inevitable that there are references. These similar movie posters may be really imitated, maybe just coincidence, but in any case, it’s fun. The looking of some movie posters in recent years is very similar, whether it is composition, color or style, even the text on the poster is similar. Most of these posters are interpreted as tribute to a classic movie but looking at too many such posters will naturally feel boring, so I want to know if the designers of these posters are not inspired or really pay tribute a movie, or other reasons makes these posters so similar.

What is tribute and what is plagiarism

The boundaries between plagiarism and tribute seem vague, but this is not the case. To put it simply, when I see an element in a poster, I think of the object of tribute, and then I immediately understand the designer’s intentions, and even feel subtle about this way of expression. Such a poster must be a tribute. And when I think an element is familiar, but it does not express it in a subtle and natural way, it is more like a different person telling the same joke, so I will think it is a poor imitation, even plagiarism.