Feb 062019
  1. What content is typically included or excluded? How is the content treated? What sorts of examples are used? What counts as evidence (personal testimony, facts, etc.)?

Visual/audio content is always included, text content is typically excluded. The content relates to the same group of characters throughout each season and the examples used go through a variety of running jokes, pranks, or typically something light-hearted.

  1. What rhetorical appeals are used? What appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos appear?

Pathos plays a role in these cold opens by inviting the viewer to laugh and enjoy the first few minutes of each episode, which may later go into a more serious topic or tone.

  1. How are texts in the genres structured? What are their parts, and how are they organized?

They are structured in a simplistic manner, with the character name speaking followed by the line being delivered.

  1. In what format are texts of this genre presented? What layout or appearance is common? How long/big is a typical text in this genre?

Text is kept to a minimal, unless the viewer adds captions. Text is mostly kept to the bottom of the screen with character name and following the script.

  1. What types of “sentences” do texts in the genre typically use? How long are they? Are they simple or complex, passive or active? Are the sentences varied? Do they share a certain style?

Simple and active sentences are most common throughout Brooklyn Nine-Nine, they have a particular style that they follow for viewers to understand dialogue.

  1. What diction is most common? What types of words (or symbols, images, etc.) are most frequent? Is a type of jargon used? Is slang used? How would you describe a typical writer’s tone?

Typical writers tone would be quick-witted and light-hearted with casual/slang language used to be related to a variety of audiences.

Analyze What These Patterns Reveal About the Situation and Scene

  1. What do these patterns reveal about the genre, its situation, and the people who use it?

The genre doesn’t take itself too seriously as a comedic show, but finds a way to create enjoyable content that not only entertains its audience but creates meaningful stories.

  • What do participants have to know or believe to understand or appreciate the genre?

They have to know or believe in the good-naturedness of the show, as well as appreciate the genre of workplace comedies.

  • Who is invited into the genre, and who is excluded??

Anyone is invited into the genre to enjoy; however it may exclude people who do not appreciate or enjoy the humor aspect or the inclusive content.

  • What roles for writers and readers does it encourage or discourage?

It encourages writers to think outside of the box for everyday life

  1. What can you learn about the actions being performed through the genre by observing its language patterns?

Through the language patterns, viewers can see that the characters are living an average life as American cops with realistic conversations.

  • How is the subject of the genre treated? What content is considered most important? What content (topics or details) is ignored?

The subject and content are treated as average people who are representing the viewers. The details that are ignored are the stereotypes commonly placed on cops.

  • What values, beliefs, goals, and assumptions are revealed through the genre’s patterns?

Values, beliefs, goals, and assumptions that are revealed through the genre’s patterns are the idea that every person is important and valid regardless of race, gender, or sexuality and that what makes you a good person is how you treat others.

  • What actions does the genre enable? What actions does the genre constrain??

The genre enables the action of thoughtful conversation about difficult or overlooked topics, and constrains close-mindedness.