Feb 032019

Anthony Padilla

Advanced Comp

Prof. Mason

30 January 2019

Unappreciated Genre

           There are many topics and genres that are not focused on in our time, in which they deserve to be. One very important genre, that tends to be overlooked, is designer fashion! This topic tends to be overlooked all the time simply for reasons such as not being introduced, the looks of many of the items, and most likely the price tag. I believe it is an important topic because many times designer or high end clothing is looked at as “hype”, rather than a lifestyle. Majority of those will say they saw their favorite celebrity, recording artist, or their “rich uncle”, with the finest clothing, and will automatically classify themselves apart. However, that should never be the case; Designer clothing should be looked at more as a goal to how one may want to dress, or a smarter way to shop.

         Along with the reasons for why people choose not to invest into designer or high end clothing, people don’t see an eight-hundred-dollar purchase as “smart” as buying fifty shirts for the same price. From personal experience and asking others, I can guarantee that your one $800-dollar item will last longer and perform better than any product one owns.

Here are a few links that can give a visual sense as to why the prices and quality of these items are so:

The making of a general handbag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isdIPBG1s4Q

The making of a Gucci Handbag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIpBsbzuiHA

        Here we can see the amount of the precise work and history behind Louis Vuitton, which can also give the audience an idea of the effort put into these higher brands.


Here is a general explanation of the pros and cons of buying designer clothing as opposed to cheaper alternatives:


This link shows the differences in product making from quality to the amount of workers it takes to make up alternatives:


Now one may ask who this topic relates to or where this genre takes place in our time today, and I believe it has to do with everyone. What would we be without clothes? Clothes are something we need in life to go through with everyday activities whether its sleeping, walking, going to school, or walking a dog; There is never a time that we do not need clothes (besides sex). Therefore, there isn’t a time that we shouldn’t consider the type of clothes we buy. The only dominating factor that separates those who buy high end as opposed to alternatives, are those who are less fortunate or simply don’t have any room for expenses such as four hundred and fifty dollar shirts.

Now when it comes to the writers of this genre, it would be false if it were stated that everyone is intact or everyone can write on this topic. This area is definitely for those who have worked up to a certain point to attain these things physically. In that case, I would agree that this genre or option, may not be everyone’s strong suit, but it is 100%, possible to configure the thoughts of one’s outlook on higher end clothing.

  5 Responses to “Designer Clothing (Anthony Padilla)”

  1. I really find your genre very interesting and I never looked as that as a “lifestyle”. However I’m not so sure about your comment about an $800 shirt lasting longer than any other product someone owns.

  2. I am a very practical person so I cant see spending money on something that is not practical just because it has a label. But I definitely agree that is is a lifestyle for those that are involved. It becomes a matter of importance and relevance for some people, not to mention that at award shows it is a key topic highlighted because it shows modern status and latest trends to make people engaged.

  3. whats the deal with people paying hundred if not thosands of dollar for a shirt or a pair of shoes nowadays? Does wearing a designer shirt really make you any different from the guy wearing a $5 walmart shirt? Is the whole appeal of the designer clothing about how you feel or about how other perceive you? Maybe it is a combination of both. I myself have splurged here and there to get something that was cool at the time but never have i spent tens of thousands on a stupid piece of clothing . Where does the hype of this clothing come from in the first place? If i made a brand out of my bedroom and charged several hundred dollars for a stupid shirt and it was hard to come by, made waitlists, had a few popular people advertise for me etc… I’m sure i could make a ton of money and become part of the hype. Is this worth the money ? do people buy this stuff for the look or are they just doing it for the status that come with it .

    • watch the videos! the point of it is to prove that these prices actually are worth what they charge.Its deeper then just being “cool” these products really hold weight behind their price

  4. I guess my only question would be how do trends factor in the debate? Celebrities face harsh backlash for simply wearing the same outfit in public more than once, and often that may drive them in and out of fashion trends. There’s also the aspect of paid promotion for the designer clothing; I’m sure the payoff for some overpriced smock or dress is to wear it in public and fan out the brand name, which leads more people into one trend and out of another. It’s very cyclical. If fashion is a lifestyle, are you in it for the supposed longevity of the clothes-piece or the trend?