Mar 212019

-Anti-dating site

Do you like to date people? Neither do we. But we can fix that at, where you can find your cynical soulmate. Our dating website pools the angriest population into one online lover’s roulette, separated by pet peeves, similar dislikes, and other general woes against the world to create an agreeable existence between two hate-filled beings. Instead of finding out these difficulties to mesh throughout the date, relationship or conversation, you have disagreements in advance–possibly shared disagreements–and have more time to explore interests. You do you and, occasionally, each other. It would be an interesting transition from the standard way of dating via common positive interests.

-Food/Cooking blogs into online therapy room sessions

You know how every time you look up a recipe, you instead find the life story of a babyboomer’s “dramatic” episodes or the craziness of their six-figure, retired lifestyle– and the recipe in fine print at the very bottom of the page? I think combining them into a sort of ‘comfort food’ category to the recipe/emotional venting outlet of the food blog world would be a needed translation for people who have more issues than last-minute party platters.