Genre Tranlation

 Posted by on Tue, 3/19 at 5:43pm  genre translation prewriting  Add comments
Mar 192019

Fast Food — Does It Really Pay Off

For the past two decades or so, fast food has become on the biggest sources of revenue and attention in our society. Fast food restaurants such as McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, and more. When we hear commercials and Ads of these particular companies, what do we always hear? Yes, stuff like “Eat Healthy”, “100% real meat”, “cheap and healthy”, or “Four for Four”, all portraying the message that the food is nothing but good for you and worth the dollar or two you would be paying. Along with the sayings, the Ads are always too good to be true, as the burgers look so separated and placed perfectly, coming off the steaming grill, when really there’s a chance your burger might have been microwaved; That doesn’t happen to everyone, but there’s a high chance! Therefore, as fast food companies try to use their low pricing to substitute for healthiness, it will never be the outcome.