Fragrance Ads – Subject/POS

 Posted by on Wed, 2/20 at 1:32pm  subject-POS  Add comments
Feb 202019
Subjects Points of Significance
Esoteric, vague, and confusing commercials. Creates the illusion of depth and meaning.
Associated with celebrities, cars, watches, etc. Cements fragrances as luxury products by association.
Foreign and exotic presentation. Artsy cinematography. Generates a feeling of class and sophistication.
Focus on selling a personal identity via fragrance. Increases brand loyalty. Status quo of requiring identifier.

Possible Topic: Every aspect of fragrance ads works to maintain fragrances’ culture of luxury, despite more apparent objectives in the ads and interesting contradictions (absolution of wealth as a theme, stinky imagery despite it being a perfume commercial, low cost of production per bottle, etc.)