Equine Journalism – Subject/POS

 Posted by on Wed, 2/20 at 1:00pm  subject-POS  Add comments
Feb 202019

Subject:                                                                               Points of Significance:

Training methods for students Inform the reader on certain exercises they can do on their own to improve their riding experience, ability, and posture (Ex. horse yoga)
Training methods for horses Tips for trainers and riders on how to train/guide their horse on a new exercise, discipline, ground manners, etc.
Interviews with professional trainers/riders Provide advice for aspiring riders, give opinion about the horse community, share inspiring stories about themselves
Horse care tips Tips on how to read your horse’s body language, how to care for certain cuts/fungus/soreness/behavior, how to maintain horse supplies during seasons like winter, spring, summer (water freezing in winter or certain weeds/flies in the spring)