Feb 122019

In advertising, skincare commercials/ads are marketed print visuals and/or visual-audio videos created by the beauty/skincare industry that sell acne reduction or removal products. These commercials/ads work to target insecure acne-prone teenagers or adults (usually women) and trick them into believing their skin must look flawless in order to be considered “beautiful.” Basically, it’s selling a specific idea of “beauty” created by this society which is being absolutely flawless. An analogy of this would be make-up commercials/ads. These commercials/ads are similar to make-up ads, considering make-up ads also are selling an idea of beauty and how flaws should be covered up. Similarly, skincare/ads are selling the idea that flaws should be decreased or avoided from appearing on the skin. For example, the skincare commercial/ad for AcneLXR begins with a diversified group of people saying that no matter your skin color, shape, size etc. you are beautiful. However, right at the end of the commercial, they say: “Unless you have acne.” This illustrates how these types of commercials/ads push people to feel like their flaws make them less “beautiful” and encourage them to buy their products.