Chaotic Moments Followed By Calm

 Posted by on Wed, 9/21 at 2:13pm  remedy  Add comments
Sep 212016

     The 1st peer review I did with my classes was kind of a mess. I was not fully sure of how to “do” the peer reviews. I received some clarification from Prof. Mason and Jonathan’s suggestions at one of our colloquium meetings, and thought I would be able to carry the peer reviews out successfully.  However, I ended up being disorganized when giving everyone someone else’s paper, especially since I did not write down who was peer reviewing who. I realized later on that it would be more complicated for each student to share their comments with the person they peer reviewed, especially since not everyone remembered who it was they peer reviewed after they handed the assignment to me. Just writing about it begins to confuse me.

    The second time around I am doing it differently. I have already begun the peer reviews. I typed who would be peer reviewing who and began this assignment/workshop in class, rather than outside of class. This has already made everything so much easier. I also went over sample work before having them do peer reviews, that way they have an idea of what they should be looking for and how they should be commenting.


From this situation I have learned that eventually I will learn… if that makes sense.




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