Genre Translations

 Posted by on Tue, 3/19 at 9:41pm  genre translation prewriting  Add comments
Mar 192019

New Edit: “There’s no such thing as a stupid question”

  • I think many people can agree with me that there is such thing as a stupid question. Whether it’s when working in a group project and you have a detailed list of the project and the requirements at hand, or when the teacher has specifically stated instructions to something three times in a row for the past three days and some student still asks you “what are we doing?” Even at work people get asked stupid questions all the time by co-workers or even by family. Needless to say there are A LOT of examples for when a stupid question is asked and while I do agree that if you have a question on something you should ask it otherwise you’ll be lost, it would make school, work, or family gatherings way more enjoyable if such questions came up less frequently.


Monthly Gift Boxes

  • The idea of paying a monthly fee and receiving a box with a variety of little things in it is like purchasing a gift for yourself. While its pleasing to receive new items to try on a monthly basis, its likely that the items not used or liked will end up being an addition to the junk pile. Another feature about monthly gift boxes is that the types differ, so some sort of pet company can send out boxes with dog/cat toys or maybe even horses. This can also include athletic wear, cosmetics, and other various stuff.


Shower Thoughts

  • A shower thought can also be known as an epiphany and according to Reddit and Urban Dictionary it doesn’t have to take place actually in the shower. But these thoughts tend to come from nowhere, when we least expect them, and it makes us want to share it with everyone we know because we think no one else knows it and that we are smarter than we sometimes come off as. Shower thoughts can perhaps be like a stroke of genius that occurs to everyone every once in a while. What exactly makes a shower thought different than a regular thought?