Mar 192019

Seeking Fame/Money

The common notion with people that want fame is that once they reach it or attain it, it will make them happy. However, far too often it doesn’t make people happier and can even make them sadder/depressed.  Lady Gaga, Russel Brand, and Cara Delavigne are just a few examples of this. So my translation is that fame should be seen as a curse and not a blessing.


This can possibly also be applied to money; once I become rich, I will be happy. Many times, the sudden accumulation of wealth becomes more of a curse and less of a blessing also. The same way fame is thought of giving happiness through attention or glory, money does so with materialism. I’ll be happy when I get this car, but then it actually wasn’t the new car but the new house, then the new close, then the new model of the car, etc…..