Mar 192019

Finding Nemo a la Son of Batman

While the relationships of the protagonist in a film noire to their objective isn’t always necessarily familial, the lessons achieved from their pairings reimagines the main character undoubtably. The journey taken by Marlon is filled with strife, new knowledge and a willingness to achieve his ultimate goal; the rescue of his beloved son. A rendition of The Sopranos would be honestly life-changing as a retelling through Finding Nemo would challenge the cinematic conventions that makes such pathos in stories quite powerful. I just believe that a film noire retelling would ultimately highlight or contextual those comedic breaks offered by Dory–making her habitual forgetfulness a crutch to the overly dour clownfish.

The Night the Prescription Pills Attacked!

I’m leaning into the gothic and horror influences within my life as I think on the way prescription pill commercial play around with the fear we have in life. Whether it be hair loss, gradual degenrative diseases or the onset of death with normal age, there seems to be a pill that possibly works at curing what naturally ails us. That very, long and thin paragraph residing at the bottom of the screen details the numerous side-effects that seemed to be normalized with the removal of the pain or illness that is currently afflicting people. Imagine a scene in whcih the gloved hand grasp on the door frame of a barely light room, music slowly creeping in through the window as we gradually hear soft footsteps on the padded floor of a husband and wife’s bedroom. A pan to the dark-haired wife as she turns in her bed, eyes slowly opening in horror as a floating byline of “projectile vomiting, pancreatic ulcers and a loss of fertility” wraps its hands around her throat. Its the Prescription Killer.